Dr. Chiao-Ling Kuo (郭巧玲)Assistant Research Fellow
Sub-Project Principal Investigator Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica |
Academic Biography
I was a postdoctoral research fellow in GIScience Group, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg, Germany, researching on social media and big data technology after doing the postdoctoral research in Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica in Taiwan. I was also a visiting Ph.D. student in Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Germany, doing semantic research. My academic specialties include GIS, OpenGIS, data quality, metadata, open data, data semantics, ontology, heterogeneous data integration, spatial big data, social media, volunteered geographic information and geographic spatial algorithms.
Our researches are mostly published in international SCI journals or well-known academic journals on GIS or computational science, with 11 published journal papers and 28 conference papers up to now. These studies include using social media data to develop spatio-temporal semantic analysis for finding points of interest (POIs) and areas of interest (AOIs); disaster reconstruction and impact assessment; analyses of tourism impact and recovery stage; exploring semantic heterogenous factors of geographic data; building ontology-based semantic data integration frameworks. In 2016, we developed a patent address locator standardized conversion processing device, which is a fundamental service for geographic information system by geocoding door plate addresses. Currently, I am working on an ongoing project, “Spatial temporal semantic integration and search application of open data”. This project aims to improve and strengthen the quality and accuracy of open data. I was also a member of the multi-disciplinary health cloud research program supported by Academia Sinica in Taiwan, which focused on big data technologies and applications for health data. Under this program, we built up several information service platforms and APPs, including the address locator standardized conversion processing device patented in 2016. Research Focus
OpenGIS Semantics Ontology Modeling and Integration BigGIS Publication