Dr. Ting-Wu Chuang (莊定武)Professor
Sub-Project Principal Investigator School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University |
Academic Biography
My research focuses on the spatial temporal analysis of vector-borne infectious diseases by integrating spatial epidemiology, geographic information system (GIS) and satellite remote sensing techniques to analyze how the environment and its change affect dengue epidemics and build up risk prediction models. Out studies on infectious diseases include regional climate variations such as El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), as well as a smaller-scale environmental change such as the impact of different land use types on vector groups and spatial distributions of diseases.
We have several international cooperation, including the collaborative study of the spatio-temporal risk factors of Malaysia Plasmodium knowlesi working with the research team from National University of Malaysia. Also, with researchers from Costa Rica, we cooperatively study on the impact of climate change has on the incidence rate of poisonous snake bites. In 2015, we are honored to accept the trust from CHAI and the financial support from Global Fund to help evaluate the climate vulnerability for the National Center for Malaria Control in Swaziland regarding climate change. This program also includes building up an early warning weather system to help Swaziland prevent serious malaria outbreaks and may eradicate malaria in the country. Research Focus
Spatial Information Integration and Application
Public Health and Environmental Medicine Parasitology Medical Techniques and Laboratory Diagnosis Biostatistics Publication